Thursday, January 21, 2021

 Let's create a society free of non-communicable diseases.

It is not surprising that we humans hear and see non-communicable diseases or chronic diseases. Let us first identify what these non-communicable diseases are. According to the World Health Organization, there are four types of non-communicable diseases. These include heart disease, cancer, chronic diseases, and diabetes.

Non-communicable diseases kill 41 million people a year in the world .It is 71% of the total global death rate .This is one of the leading causes of death in the world today.

Who is at risk for non-communicable diseases?

There is no age limit or gender for the risk of non-communicable diseases .This risk will affect all levels regardless. It is estimated that less than 15 million of all global deaths are due to underage deaths between the ages of 30 and 69.

Therefore, minimizing the risk of these non-communicable diseases can be a step towards serious consequences.

What are the risk factors for non-communicable diseases?

Non-communicable disease is not a disease that is transmitted or transmitted to us by another party. It is a condition that is created by our own actions and daily routines as human beings. That is, there are two main factors that contribute to the increased risk of non-communicable diseases. That is, deficiencies in our daily routine or behavioral risk factors and the resulting risk factors within the body, that is, metabolic risk factors.

Behavioral risk factors include identifiable behaviors such as tobacco use, physical inefficiency, unhealthy eating habits, and harmful alcohol use.

 More than 7.2 million people die each year as a result of tobacco use. One thing you need to know here is that these deaths have occurred, including the effects of second-hand smoke exposure. Excess salt, or sodium consumption, causes 4.1 million deaths annually.

More than 3.3 million deaths annually due to alcohol use are caused by non-communicable diseases, including cancer. Adequate physical activity, such as lack of exercise, kills 1.6 million people annually. All of these criteria reflect the way we humans value life.

 From today, it is time for you to think deeply about your life and these things.

How to control non-communicable diseases?

All you need to do to control non-communicable diseases is to focus on minimizing the risk factors associated with these diseases. That means you have to keep your daily routine very balanced. Healthy eating habits, exercise and staying away from unhealthy things as much as possible will help you to live without the risk of non-communicable diseases.

Thilak Wanasinghe 

Research Officer (Media)

Prevention and intervention of NCD 

Department of Public Health

Faculty of Medicine

University Of kelaniya ,Sri Lanka.


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